About Hibenjamin And Its Founder
Hibenjamin.com is one stop solution if you are looking out for annuity products. This one site is founded and developed by the Sam Abbas. Prior developing this useful site, Sam founded the Symmetric.io which is popular software platform for assisting the pension, foundation, endowment or sovereign wealth funds client for getting the transparency in hedge funds and even for better quantifying their investments, which can offer some of the value. This being one of his great developments is getting used in many top institutional allocators across the world which includes top four out of five in number of funds.
Gradation and degree
Before symmetric, the founder of hibenjamin Sam, has been the director of trading and research at the Privero capital, which is a technology or trading firm based in NYC and the one that specializes in the arbitrage of higher frequency statistics. He started his career by being the strategy consultant at the company called Oliver Wayman. He is graduated from the University of Princeton and holds degree from the school of Woodrow Wilson where he wrote the thesis under the guidance of Daniel Kahneman, the Nobel laureate in the economics in year 2002.
With Sam’s great experience and knowledge, he came up with the best annuity products site as Hibenjamin. He states that the annuity can be really useful products as it protects against the market losses as well as tax deferral. It also ensures that you have enough savings for spending your life. The annuity market of multi-trillion including the fixed index or variable annuities is even broken as the fees are higher and hidden. The commissions are also high. The products are much complicated and difficult for the customers for knowing what returns they can expect.
Positive side of annuities
The Hibenjamin is one startup in market of annuities which is inspired by what the vanguard did in the market of mutual fund. Everything good about the annuities are considered as market protection and tax deferral. This site strips out all commissions and fats so that they can offer all customers with simple product which can offer the premium value. It is also based on investment in the common trade securities as stock options or bonds. One can replicate much of whatever they do within brokerage account and can learn more about it. Check out more information by clicking on its official website now.