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Things that nobody told you about the photograph before you started

If you have finally decided to buy a camera, if you do nothing but receive praise for the photos you make with your mobile and hang on Instagram, if you were always attracted to photography but you never dared to get involved seriously with it … If you are in any of these cases maybe you should know a number of important issues that nobody usually tells who is preparing to enter the exciting, but also complex, world of photography. Click here for private photographer paris.

Photography is not easy to learn

Giving the camera button is a very simple act but what is behind, if you want to learn real photography, is much more complicated. If you go into this world you will have to learn a lot of concepts that may sound like Chinese to you at first. Do you know that using a ƒ1.4 diaphragm goes much more light into the lens than if a ƒ22 is used despite the fact that the number itself is higher? Messy, right?

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Most cameras offer automatic shooting modes that usually give good results but when learning photography is not that it is forbidden to use them is that we must use manual modes. Keep in mind that what is involved is knowing the art technique of capturing light to be able to allow us, and not the camera, to have total control over the images, knowing exactly what we want to achieve and how do what. And this requires a long learning process. Visit this site for private photographer paris.

Mastering the technique is not enough

Of course, in addition to knowing the technique, in photography there is an artistic part that is surely more important and that takes longer to master . We talk about learning to compose (I know how to effectively distribute the elements in the frame), to know how to interpret the changing light conditions that you can find in a scene, or to educate our eyes to be able to tell a story and transmit emotions with our photographs. This is something that is not easily achieved. What is done? Studying and practicing

It takes time to achieve good results

The camera is a tool in which you have to invest many hours of learning and practice to be able to squeeze it. A good comparison would be that anyone can drive a car after getting the license, but only with a lot of practice and based on experience is ready to drive a racing car.

In short, you need a certain degree of experience to get photos at the level of those we saw in that exhibition. First you have to learn to master the technique, then practice a lot and accustom our eyes to look differently. Also, if that were not enough, it also takes time to master our camera.

A good photographic equipment bulges … and weighs

We already advanced before saying that you may not need a SLR, among other things because a smaller camera is more comfortable to carry. A complete photographic equipment is composed of a lot of elements , including camera (or cameras), lenses, tripod, flash, filters and many other things that can cause you to transport, for example, five kilos of material.

This is one of the reasons why some professionals are moving to the mirrorlessformat, which with smaller equipment and weight is much more comfortable to carry especially when you have to carry the equipment all day for work or because he is traveling.

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